Welcome to all in 2016!
Invitation of GP3 Webulo Cup is ready to read it trough! After a long brake we wish all of You a Happy New Year!
Please study our events’ schedule, and all the details which are in the invitation letter, so this way You find all the answers you are asking via e-mail.. we feel sorry, but we are unable to write answers to all of those little questions, all the answers are in the invitation letter.. and the rest is just common sense.
If anyone decides to send registration via e-mail (it’s possible, but not necessary) please write full name, date of birth, name of club, country, and the age group too.. in a nice way. 🙂
It’s not so difficult to turn up in time, and sign into an event at the desk of registration in the main hall. Last call is 30 minutes before the starting time of actual events.
Have a nice preparation period!
Olimpici Team